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One-A-Day Women's
Model No: A0920
Manufacturer: One-A-Day

(Based on 17 reviews)
Avg. Price: $9
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Oct 27, 2008 5:04 pm

Joined: Oct 27, 2008
Points: 150

I started taking these when I went off to college. I have noticed that since I have started taking them I definitely don't get sick as often as I used to. I will continue to take these on a daily basis.

Date Purchased: 04/2005
Price Paid: $8
Recommend: Yes
Helps to keep you healthy.

Don't smell or taste good.

took it....but unnecessary
Oct 27, 2008 10:17 am

Joined: Oct 27, 2008
Points: 150

I took this multivitimin for about two years without question. I thought that it was doing me good to take it but didn't see any noticible changes or results. I decided to stop taking it for a few months and see if I felt any different or like I needed it again. The result was that again, I saw no difference. I've read several articles stating that multivitimins are unnecessary and I'm inclined to agree.

Date Purchased: 05/06
Price Paid: $8
Recommend: No
The product does claim to give you your daily serving of a multitude of vitimins which is great.

I simply did not feel any different while on or off the product. Nor did I find myself getting sick more / less often.

Every day
Oct 27, 2008 1:49 am

Joined: Oct 26, 2008
Points: 870

My mother uses these just like I used my one a day men's, and she sees similar results including increased energy, especially in the mornings, and prevention of common colds.

Date Purchased: March/2007
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: Yes
Helps keep you healthy throughout the day


One A Day
Oct 26, 2008 4:30 pm

Joined: Oct 26, 2008
Points: 150

After seeing the success my husband had with his one a day I thought I would try this. I guess it varies by person because I didn't like this product at all. For me it had a smell that made me want to gag the second I opened the bottle. Honestly I think I'll stick with my Flintstones.

Date Purchased: 08/2007
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: No
Bad Smell.

It's Okay...
Oct 26, 2008 3:26 pm

Joined: Oct 26, 2008
Points: 75

I took these for about a month. I am an athlete so I was just looking for something to give me more energy. Honestly, I never really felt a difference. I took it faithfully for a while and eventually, I stopped. My dad still takes the ones for men, he has been taking them forever and he really likes them. Maybe it just was not for me.

Date Purchased: May 2007
Price Paid: $9
Recommend: No
Pill size is more manageable than most.

I dont really think I gained anything from this.

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