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Weight Smart™ Dietary Supplement Tablets
Manufacturer: One-A-Day®

(Based on 8 reviews)
Avg. Price: $10
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I think people misunderstand
Feb 17, 2009 12:24 am

Joined: Feb 17, 2009
Points: 150

I think the point of the product is a supplement, not a diet pill. It combines the vitamins we would normally take with some extra green tea, which in itself has been proven to aid in weight loss. The key really is to take this vitamin while exercising and eating healthy. On its own, it isnt going to make you lose weight, no pill out there will.

Date Purchased: 7/2008
Price Paid: $9
Recommend: Yes
Trusted name
100 Percent of daily vitamins
Natural green tea

price is a little high

Did not work
Feb 9, 2009 1:44 pm

Joined: Feb 9, 2009
Points: 60

I stopped taking multivitamins for a while and am a bit over weight so I figured I would try "weight smart". I didn't not see nor feel any results for several weeks and decided to switch to a cheaper plain old generic brand vitaman.

Date Purchased: 5/08
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: No
It only worked as a dietary supplement

It did not increase metabolism or produce any noticeable weight loss results.

Don't Work
Oct 27, 2008 4:50 pm

Joined: Oct 27, 2008
Points: 150

I bought these when I saw them in the store and wanted to give them a try. I thought they would be something good to try to help boost my metabolism.

Date Purchased: 11/2008
Price Paid: $8
Recommend: No
Work the same as a normal daily vitamin.

Didn't have any effect on weight loss at all.

Does it really work??
Oct 27, 2008 4:38 pm

Joined: Oct 27, 2008
Points: 60

My friend is a little overweight and she also seen great commericals for this product. One day she decided to buy the product and give it a try. We did not expect to see same day results but after using the product for three weeks, you would expect to see something. She saw no results and was very disappointed. I would not recommend this product for anyone. If you want to lose weight try the old fashion way, diet and exercise.

Date Purchased: May/2008
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: No
Good source of vitamins

Does not really help you lose weight.

Oct 27, 2008 1:52 am

Joined: Oct 26, 2008
Points: 870

My mother struggles with weight because of low metabolism and lack of exercise. Taken in place of her one a day women's, this supplement did not seem to have the intended effect she was looking for.

Date Purchased: february/2007
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: No
Good for one a day vitamins

doesn't really work, not worth the money

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