A great little snack that will help you make that final push on the bench.I have had a lot of these energy bars and I have to say that this one is pretty high on the list!
Date Purchased: 03/2009 Price Paid: $4 Recommend: Yes
For all body builders like me , it is a very good product , it releases instant power in you and make you fell more healthy and relaxes the tiredness of muscles after exercise . It is a good supplement along with the daily products .It is also very tasty to eat . Do try it once.
Date Purchased: 01/09 Price Paid: $3 Recommend: Yes
Power bar is a very a great source of instant energy for athletes , sportsmen and people that work out daily. It really provides instant energy. Also , it's very tasty..
Date Purchased: 3/08 Price Paid: $4 Recommend: Yes
if you want to have a great source of energy during your workouts at gym then this is an ideal and outstanding product which suits your need. It has nice taste and it supplies instant energy to body.
Date Purchased: 7/2008 Price Paid: $2 Recommend: Yes