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Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews
Manufacturer: Viactiv

(Based on 6 reviews)
Avg. Price: $8
Reviews: 1 - 6 of 6   View as Outline Post Review
Easiest way to take a calcium supplement
May 8, 2010 7:37 pm

Joined: May 8, 2010
Points: 150

My doctor told me I have to take calcium supplements, and I tried a few different options before finally settling on this. I don't know why every single manufacturer of calcium tablets makes them too large to swallow comfortably, but they do, and the packets of powder that you mix with tea or juice make the drinks taste unpleasant. This is most painless option I've found to date.

Date Purchased: 4/10
Price Paid: $8
Recommend: Yes
Easily swallowed

Easy way to get your calcium
May 8, 2010 7:12 pm

Joined: May 8, 2010
Points: 135

Viactiv soft chews always taste great and are very affordable to include into a woman's daily routine.

Date Purchased: 07/2009
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: Yes
Taste delicious, affordable, and you only have to take one chew per day.

None that come to mind.

May 8, 2010 12:07 pm

Joined: May 5, 2010
Points: 365

There isnt much more to say about this product other than what a genius way to get me to remember my calcium. I am HORRIBLE at getting it on my own and these soft chews are so good that the only con I can think of is that youre pretty tempted to have more than you should! As far as feeling any different due to the right levels of calcium I am consuming now, I can't say I notice a difference of any sort however I do have peace of mind that I am now getting enough.

Date Purchased: 05/2010
Price Paid: $7
Recommend: Yes
Taste amazing, arent that expensive, and I love the container because it is reuseable.

It may seem like a silly "con" but Im really serious when I say Im too tempted to have more than is recommended so have some actual caramels somewhere in the house or something to get into instead!

Tasty and Effective
May 6, 2010 12:01 pm

Joined: May 6, 2010
Points: 75

This product tastes great and comes in a convenient container. I recommended it to my best friend and we both agree that it has made taking calcium so much easier. My doctor is also happy with the result which makes me even happier to consume this product. It is a tasty and efficient buy at a great value.

Date Purchased: 10/2009
Price Paid: $7
Recommend: Yes
tastes good, effective, great package

hard to find,

This message was modified May 6, 2010 by lunalovegood
May 5, 2010 8:02 pm

Joined: May 5, 2010
Points: 105

I was so amazed when I tried Viactiv. I really expected it to have a bad taste, however it was wonderful! It was like eating a piece of candy. I am very pleased!

Date Purchased: 05/2010
Price Paid: $7
Recommend: Yes

Can't think of any.

Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews
May 5, 2010 7:37 pm

Joined: May 5, 2010
Points: 90

Every woman needs additional calcium and I am no exception, but if I can get that calcium along with a little sweet treat then it is even better. Viactiv not only gives me the calcium I need to stave off osteoporosis but it also gives me a "cheat" on my diet. Nothing like a nice nibble of chocolate to make the day seem brighter. And, since it is calcium combined with Vitamin D I know that I am absorbing the calcium that I need without having to resort to taking additional supplements.

Date Purchased: 4/10
Price Paid: $7
Recommend: Yes
The taste is awesome.
Gives all the calcium you need daily.
Comes with Vitamin D to aid in absorption.

The cost is a little more than I like to spend since you do go through them fairly quickly.

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