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Retin A
Manufacturer: Janseen

(Based on 6 reviews)
Avg. Price: $21
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Wish This Would Work For Me
Nov 19, 2008 9:34 am

Joined: Oct 24, 2008
Points: 405

I have a lot of friends who use Retin A and their skin looks amazing; really smooth and clear. I hoped when I started using it, it would do the same for my skin, but no luck. Pretty much all it did was make my skin peel. I used it for almost a year and it never stopped peeling, so I always looked dry and flakey, which is not attractive. I think it just does not work on some skin types, so you should consider your skin type before deciding to use Retin A. My skin is dry and it just never helped me.

Date Purchased: 09/07
Price Paid: $22
Recommend: No
Didn't like anything about Retin A

It made my skin peel all of the time.

This message was modified Nov 19, 2008 by conniecush
stops working
Oct 27, 2008 8:43 pm

Location: stockbridge,ga
Joined: Oct 26, 2008
Points: 180

this cream works well for just a wile and then you have nothing.

Date Purchased: 00/00
Price Paid: $20
Recommend: No
it works

just stop after about a month.

It works well...maybe too well
Oct 26, 2008 10:05 pm

Joined: Oct 26, 2008
Points: 150

This will remove superficial wrinkles, and alleviate deeper ones. Just be careful how much you use. I slathered some on, and when I woke up, it looked like a terrible sunburn. Felt like it too.

Date Purchased: 2/01
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: Yes
It works pretty well.

It can hurt when you use too much.

Retin A
Oct 26, 2008 4:00 pm

Joined: Oct 26, 2008
Points: 405

My Doctor prescribed retin A for my crows feet. I went to fill the prescription but it was going to cost over $100 so my next trip to Mexico I bought some at their Pharmacy for $10. I have used it since and its great. You have to learn how much is right for you thru trial and error. I started peeling when I first started because I was using too much. Since then I have learned a little goes a long way.

Date Purchased: 06/10/2008
Price Paid: $10
Recommend: Yes
Its helped with the crows feet. I would say by 50%.

You have to learn thru trial and error on how much is enough. I have peeled in the beginning. Not major other side effects though. Stay out of the sun with it on.

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