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One-a-Day, All Day Energy
Manufacturer: One-a-Day

(Based on 5 reviews)
Avg. Price: $16
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One-a-Day, All Day Energy
May 19, 2009 11:51 am

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Location: India
Joined: Oct 31, 2008
Points: 675

My younger brother works in a chemical manufacturing industry where he needs to maintain a healthy body to do heavy work. He was known for his work efficiency for many years but as years passed he realized the need to take some tonic to carry on his job as earlier and after consulting a doctor started taking One-a-Day, All Day Energy. Since then he is taking One-a-Day, All Day Energy on regular basis and spite of his old age he do all his activity like earlier. He is recognize as a best employee and my brother thanks the manufacturers of One-a-Day, All Day Energy.

Date Purchased: March/2008
Price Paid: $15
Recommend: Yes
Healthy body

This message was modified May 19, 2009 by pdkamath
energy drink
May 19, 2009 11:49 am

Joined: Feb 17, 2009
Points: 210

It is a good energy but i didn't find it to effective. I find other energy drink more effective that it, I will sa y little waste of money.

Date Purchased: january,2008
Price Paid: $15
Recommend: No

May 19, 2009 11:08 am

Joined: May 19, 2009
Points: 75

I have taken a lot of the over the counter "energy" vitamins and I am stuck on One-a-Day Energy All Day vitamins. I work early hours and don't have time to get coffee or any other soon-to-crash substance, so i take one tablet and within 25 minutes; I am ready to go! I've been satisfied with these supplements for the past 6 months and couldn't be happier.

Date Purchased: 01/2009
Price Paid: $16
Recommend: Yes
Fast acting energy feeling. Limits getting sick, keeps body moving during toughest times during the day.

MUST take after/with meal.

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