The Himalaya Drug Company is a house hold name and an age old Ayurvedic company and they produce all types of medicines and Himalaya Liv.52 is their proud product. Liver is one of the main organs of our body and maintaining its health sholud be our priority. I have seen many of my friends and relatives who suffer from minor liver related problems taking Himalaya Liv.52 as per the advice of their doctors. In my family we have also used this medicine for my daughter who suffered from jaundice in her childhood. It is a best liver tonic and can be taken at any age. Above all it does not produce any side effects even if you consume it continuously.
Date Purchased: March/2007 Price Paid: $6 Recommend: Yes
I use to drink a lot of alcohol which resulted into great disorders but the day i have started this supplement there has been a great improvement in my digestion system and liver functioning.
An ultimate supplement to improve your digestion system & liver functioning.
Date Purchased: 08/08 Price Paid: $8 Recommend: Yes