Plantain Goldenseal Salve
Model No: 042004
Manufacturer: Gaia Herbs Inc/Burt's Bees
Avg. Price: $23 |
Joined: Oct 24, 2008
Points: 1050
Plantain goldenseal salve is great for scrapes etc. where the healing isn't going quite right. I've used it to draw out a festering splinter or when other minor injuries begin going red and threaten to get worse. Plantain is a wonderful herb known for drawing out blood poisoning and is exceptional when dealing with life's potential emergencies. When I purchased it, Burt's Bees appears on top but I did not find it on their web site today so it may be purely a Gaia product now.
Date Purchased: 06/07
Price Paid: $20
Recommend: Yes |
Works quickly and effectively. Jars lasts forever! Draws out infections before they become a major problem.
The salve is green and can stain clothing. |
This message was modified Oct 27, 2008 by NorthWet