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Centrum A to Zinc Multi vitamin 250 count
Model No: 423926
Manufacturer: Centrum

(Based on 2 reviews)
Avg. Price: $19
Reviews: 1 - 2 of 2   View as Outline Post Review
Centrum is an effective vitamin
May 5, 2010 8:20 pm

Joined: May 5, 2010
Points: 165

I have used Centrum A to Zinc for 5 years now and have tried to switch to a generic brand which says it is comparable to Centrum. The generic brand is far no match. Centrum protected me from getting sick and I only got the colds once a year during winter and when I tried the generic brand, I got it thrice during the winter. Furthermore, when I was diagnosed as having carpal tunnel syndrome , I was advised to take a regular multivitamin that has sufficient B vitamins. They were right. It relieved me in two weeks.

Date Purchased: 10/05
Price Paid: $20
Recommend: Yes
reasonable price, complete

too big to swallow

Centrum Ato Zinc.The best multivitamin for all
May 5, 2010 8:04 pm

Joined: May 5, 2010
Points: 75

I have been using Centrum multivitamin Ato Zinc for over 6 months now and I would say it one of the best. Even if we read the nutritional info we will come to know it has far more things than any other brand. I have used for 6 month and have myself experienced better vision/ concentration etc. I used to get leg pain etc but it has gone completely. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a once a day multivitamin tablet.

Date Purchased: 11/2009
Price Paid: $18
Recommend: Yes
Very good nutritional info. Fast results. My Doctor recommended.

Big bottle. Sometimes heavy to carry if you are on a trip etc.

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