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Brain Repair Formula capsules
Manufacturer: Newport Nutritionals

(Based on 1 reviews)
Avg. Price: $46
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Brain Repair
Mar 22, 2009 9:09 am

Joined: Nov 6, 2008
Points: 225

Your brain function is the most important and crucial organ that we need to take extra care of. For me, this product has helped in many ways. I don't always eat right but this product increased my good cholesterol and it is loaded with Omega-3s. For the money I found in conjunction with my other supplements that I am happier and healthier.

Date Purchased: 1/09
Price Paid: $46
Recommend: Yes
1. The O3 Brain formula was created by Neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock. 2. The freshest ingredients of the highest quality and bioavailability are used. 3. Ingredients extensively tested for purity by independent laboratories. 4. Manufacturer has highest pharmaceutical grade license attainable. 5. Made approximately every 30 days, for optimum potency and freshness. 6. A certificate of analysis, showing purity and potency of the ingredients, and manufacture date (with each shipment).

People might be skeptical, but Dr. Blaylock is highly respected in his field

This message was modified Mar 23, 2009 by Admin
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